Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Oh noes!!! A 6/6/6 Meme!

I'm making this up as I go along.

Tell us...

6 things that absolutely terrify you, or have terrified you in the past.

6 ways you'd like to die.

6 things or people you think are or were evil.


At 4:59 PM, Blogger Lasann said...

1. Fire - happened
2. Sex - happened bwaaaahahaha
3. Death - not yet
4. Harm to my children - not yet
5. Airplanes - got over that one!
6. Heights - learned to control it

1. What?
2. There's
3. a
4. good
5. way?
6. NO

1. A certain OT poster who I won't name.
2. Pat Robertson
3. that anti-gay protestor guy organizing protests currently
4. the Bush presidents
5. Andrew Jackson - past president
6. My x-sister in-law

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Alice said...

You know, I didn't realize how bad this meme was until I attempted to do it. Me sorry. But thanks to Lasann for doing it! I'm gonna have to test-drive the memes I write from now on.



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